Mrs. S. Moore's Website


  Mrs. Moore's  Science   Website     

Wow!  everything I heard about this class is true.  I'm blown away by the Benchmark Test Scores!  This class is funny, smart, fun to teach, and full of great potential.  Thanks parents for your gift to Clinton Middle School!

You will find info about what we will do each day in class and when assignments are due.  I have two different types of classes, Regular and Challenge.  You will also be informed when projects are due and how far you should be on them to get them competed on time.  I hope the format is helpful.

Attention all Parents:  Teachers at CMS are  working very hard to have your child master the Benchmarks for the Oklahoma Pass.  They must pass their reading test to get a driver's license.  This 7th grade class will not be able to get a  high school diploma  unless they pass exit tests.  You can help by having your child read at home, study and review Science Process Benchmarks with your child, and talk about what your child did in science today.  Thanks!  Together we can prepare your child to be a WINNER!  The P.A.S.S. requirements can be found on the Oklahoma State Department of Education at

Students need to study the science processes "cheat sheet".  They will use these skills in class every week of school from 7th through college level.  These  skills will help them pass their CRT's next year in science.  

Students need to study on the microscope hand-outs.  Regulars must make an "A" and Honors must make a 100.  Students will have 3 tries in class to pass the test.  They will not be allowed to participate in the microscope lab.  I will give them an alternate assignment during this time.  If they do not reach the targeted grade during the class time testing, they may come in before or after school and re-take the test.

Lesson Plans, Regular & Honors

April 7 - 11

Sue Ayn Moore









Change 10 Video, Go over microscopes, Weather observations HW: Questions for Change 10 - 12WS, PAStudents will learn the properties of weather. Students will make observations of the weather.Process Standard: 1:1, 2

Earth Science 1:1,2


Change 11 Video, Using a dichotomous key to identify clouds, fill in weather sheets HW: Work on Questions, Study for Microscope testWS, PAStudents will learn to forecast weather and the measurements used to forecast.Process Standard: 1:1, 2

Process Standard 2.1,2

Earth Science 1:1,2


Atmospheric Pressure Lab, Fill in weather observations, Begin on Reading the Barometer, HW: Finish Questions, Study for the microscope testWS, PAStudents will observe how air pressure can increase and that areas of high pressure move towards areas of low pressure.

Students will make observations of the weather.

Process Standard: 1:1, 2

Earth Science 1:1,2

Process Standard 2.1,


Change 12 video, grade Questions, finish reading the barometer, fill in weather sheets, HW: Study for microscope test tomorrow.WS, PAStudents will make observations of the weather. Students will observe how fronts move in and affect the weather.Process Standard: 1:1, 2

Earth Science 1:1,2

Process Standard 2.1,


1st microscope test, fill in weather sheets, lab over relative humidity, If time begin on analyzing weather data and drawing conclusions.WS, PAStudents will make observations of the weather. Students will observe that the air contains water molecules and that it is a measurement property.Process Standard: 1:1, 2

Earth Science 1:1,2

Process Standard 2.1,

* WS – Worksheet PA – Performance Assessment